The students in my advanced class have to write a blog post once a week about their progress in the studio. In the spirit of leading by example, I’m pushing myself to do the same, although my posts rarely focus strictly on my studio work. This was our second week of classes, so I did a lot of demonstrating.

In my intro classes I showed them how to build forms with complex curves using soft slabs and tar paper templates for support, followed by a hard slab demo for Thursday’s class.


My advanced students are all working on different projects, so I did a little “warm up” throwing to get ready for their class. We will be working on handles, lids and larger forms for the next few weeks.

I managed to squeeze in a little work time in my own studio, and finally fired some of the new slipcast wall forms. I love this new elongated form, although of the three I fired, only one is a keeper. Time to get back to pouring slip!

And finally I glazed up some plates & whiskey cups, as I owed a few to the folks back home. Probably the last functional work for a while.



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